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Your body language reveals you directly

Your body language reveals you directly
Body language is a big part of human communication. It clarifies what we say and some say that the body language actually given greater weight than the words we say .
out we move, stand and use our body while we are speaking directly reflects our attitude both to the one we are talking to and surrounding the joint , but also to what we pronounce the words. The right body language makes you credible , interesting and, not least selling .

A large part of our communication with others consists of small delicate signals that your body gives . It reveals more than we think and affects how we are perceived by others. It is not always what we say that makes the thing, it is at least as often how we say it. As to how we convey something , well then , the body is involved in every little part . This applies to eyes, face, yes our entire body .
It may actually be that we value the body language higher in our assessment of what is said than the words themselves . It is thus not enough to come extremely prepared for a meeting and speak well for their cause . Body language must mean the same thing for it to go home . That's why sometimes you may have met a person and one can not put my finger on what, but something did not feel quite right .
Body language can reinforce or confuse
Body language confuses or clarifies . Be sure that it really makes it later. When we are clear and straight , we are also credible , something that is very important when selling.
What then is an open and interested , as well as credible impressions and body language ? What it consists of ? Well, actually gestures we make unconsciously , or consciously, to show that we mean what we say. It's about a smile, if a body leaning slightly forward toward the one we encounter, whether open hands showing the palms, if backed spirit nods and raised eyebrows . The otrygge however, keeps his hands in his pockets , comes across as stiff in the body, have trouble maintaining eye contact, and swaying slightly back and forth.
To feel insecure or nervous about a situation requires and the other side is not a bad thing in itself. Many times, on the contrary, when the nervous person who would like to deliver a presentation or work well or succeed in meeting , perhaps temporarily feel a little uncertain; nervousness takes over. It need not mean that the person has bad intentions or not able to do, right?
The open attitude can also be replaced with one reflecting and pondering body language when necessary. To think through questions , statements or other information is serious and gives credibility . It is always good to take time before a response to a question coming. A reflective person reveals himself by striking his chin with his hand , letting his gaze searching distally and that posture becomes more cautious. The suspiciously same contrast has happily crossed legs , also put his arms crossed and frowning their eyebrows . It feels at the receiver , which is which , then these unconscious signals are clear and visible to the recipient.
Feel confident as a customer
For the customer , it is important to feel safe with a seller. It also includes persons in a network , if you want to do business with them , or make a good start to the relationship between you . Being stressed, distracted , nervous or shy usually works less well. It rubs off quickly and even if the other party can not put my finger on what it is given many times such a meeting a malaise . Stress sits in the shoulders, in hyperactivity and in jerky movements . The gaze can flutter and it can be difficult to get a steady eye contact with someone who is stressed. A person under stress is often seen as unreliable. That's because the lies trigger stress in the body, which in turn gives the same body language. It is therefore of great concern to many. Learning to relax, therefore can act as pure selling price.
Body language and power
Body language signals in the highest degree the power we feel we are in a situation. When we feel inferior , we become more collapsed , and reduce ourselves also in stature . When we have control of the situation we do completely the opposite. A person in a position of power is a straight back and chin lifted. It is not always a person having control bothered to stand up when someone comes . There is a power gesture to remain , although it also occurs in really shy people . Smiles will often , but not always , with your mouth closed . The gaze is steady .
Pure domination is slightly worse and can be demonstrated in several ways. Anyone who has a dominant handshake, turning palm down at the greeting. It may deter others, because it is seen as arrogant.
Mastering body language and influence others positively
With a conscious body language can even affect other people's body language to get better contact . It is an effective way to meet and connect with people who may be stressed, nervous , upset or confused. If we are relaxed and calm , and openly seeking genuine contact , the other to do the same . Here, the body language acting sedative, if we do not get infected by the other's stressful movements. Such body language deliberately spreading security to the individual you meet , as they will be remembered at least as much as what you actually then said at the meeting .
It can also have its advantages to actively imitate the other's body language. We humans have namely a tendency to like what we recognize . It is attractive to also feel that we are literally on the same wavelength. With a similar body language , we show that we are on the same half of the court , and that we are seeing , noticing and seeking community. Of course we are not talking about it to be exaggerated movements , or create parody of something the other does as he or she speaks . It 's small , discrete movements. To mimic underscores a common feeling.
This could be compared to manipulation. But on the other hand, it is well first manipulation if one has bad intentions ?
In any case , our body language a very important and here you can read more:

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