۱۴۰۰ آبان ۲۶, چهارشنبه

 چطور با فردی که نمی‌شناسید، سرصحبت را باز کنید و چرا این کار برای شما خوب ...

To label a child as lazy is dangerous

۸/۲۶/۱۴۰۰ ۰۹:۳۶:۰۰ بعدازظهر 0 Comments
 To label a child as lazy is dangerousPutting labels means simplifying. Noticing a child reduces it to one word. This can be both harmful and dangerous. This article explains why.We often ignore the dangers of stamping a child. Yes, how many times have we actually said things like "He's such a troublemaker", "She's lazy", "My son is shy" or "She's...