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Embraces, beautiful expressions of your innermost feelings


Embraces, beautiful expressions of your innermost feelings

Warm embraces are a genuine sign of the love you feel for another person. In this article you can discover their significance and how to distinguish the true from the false.

Embraces are the most beautiful demonstrations of love that people can give each other. This is because of the huge amount of love that can be found in an embrace. In fact, no words or other actions are needed in this expression of pure love.

Hugs are emotional bridges that bring us closer together.

The beauty of embraces

A beautiful part of an embrace is the gesture itself. As you walk along the street, is there anything more beautiful than seeing two people showing affection and caring for each other engaged in a wonderful hug? It does not matter if they are a couple, friends or family. Just witnessing a hug feeds your soul.

Sometimes it is better to convey love in hugs than in words. ”


In fact, a hug, even if you are not the one giving or receiving it, always has a beautiful meaning that expresses affection, interest and love.

Hugs let you express yourself. Sometimes they even help you rebuild yourself.

You will not always be on the receiving end of stunningly beautiful hugs. However, the simplest and most common hug has the ability to move you. In fact, a hug can calm you down and even calm your anger, as long as it is genuine and affectionate.

The warmth of the embrace

In addition, hugs can be warm and loving. They let you express all kinds of emotions without having to speak. In that sense, you can distinguish between those you give or those you receive:

If you are a loving person, you can express the feelings you are feeling at that very moment with a hug. Provided it is a genuine hug of course.

So if you need to convey love, understanding, closeness, appreciation or any other feeling to other people, you will with a hug show them that you are there when they need you. You do not even have to say a word.

On the other hand, if you are on the receiving end of a hug, it also makes it easy for you to express your feelings.

Imagine, for example, that you feel depressed and that a loved one gives you a hug and shows understanding, help and support. Obviously, you will show your gratitude and tenderness to the person. You really show the warmth you feel with a hug that is genuine and affectionate.

In addition, hugs are an expression of your feelings and everything you feel for those you hug. A hug shows them how important they are in your life and that you need them.

False embraces

On the other hand, there are false embraces that express a negative or pejorative feeling in both the one who receives them and the one who gives them. They tend to show sincere feelings or an unwanted approach that neither party is comfortable with.

When you give a hug to a person for whom you do not feel anything, it loses all meaning. Therefore, it is a good idea to save them for the important people in your life.

Other times it can be you who get hugs from people who do not really feel anything for you. It can be people who hug to feel important, to show false affection or to seem more important in your life than they really are.

The true meaning of embraces

The true meaning of embraces lies in what you want to express with them. They show the love you know for your loved ones, a pet or even a certain cherished object, and what they mean to you.

There are undoubtedly many people in your life who deserve your embraces. But when they respond to the hug and thus reciprocate your love and show you how much you mean to them, you feel doubly rewarded. For a hug is a great way to express wonderful feelings without the need for words or explanations.

Expression at the biological level

Embraces not only express what you carry within you on an emotional level, but also on a biological level. In fact, an affectionate hug has the potential to release oxytocin. As psychologist Solange Anuch explains, "When there is affective physical contact, oxytocin is released, a hormone that not only generates feelings of satisfaction and pleasure, but also reduces the release of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress."

In addition, psychologist Jaime Silva says that “The immune system is closely linked to stress. Those who have periods of very intense stress are more prone to getting diseases, and hugs also improve the immune system ”.

Neurologist Lucía Graterón claims that embraces also release dopamine and endorphins. These hormones relieve pain and improve your mood. In addition, they cognitively improve your memory and your attention.

Finally, now that we know all that hugging means on both an emotional and physiological level, there is absolutely no reason not to give or receive hugs.

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