۱۳۹۷ تیر ۲۳, شنبه

Learn to be your own ally

Learn to be your own ally
It may seem strange, but there are many who act as if they were their own worst enemies. Their inner dialogue is both aggressive and ruthless. However, it must not be this way, because you can become your own ally.

A person with such a negative internal dialogue as we mentioned above has probably grown up in a restrictive environment where the person has been blamed for both of them. The person can therefore often suffer from guilt feelings. The parents probably thought that the child had to be broken down to get a proper education. Some parents see it as a success that the child is being subjected. There are also many schools that have this approach.
What then happens is that the person takes all this criticism and all these punishments, and learns to see himself as a person who is always wrong. As a person who never does anything right. As if all the person thinks or knows is unacceptable. If you are or have found yourself in such a situation, it's time for you to become your own ally, your own friend.
To have the enemy within ...
Being your own enemy seems different for different people. It turns out most of the things we have described above, where the person has a ruthless internal critic. The person constantly believes that this makes mistakes, and has a small inner voice complaining about everything.

Sometimes that voice is more indirect and it makes you feel strange or insecure in certain types of situations. You notice that you behave in this way and then you complain about yourself afterwards.

Other times you get panicked if you are doing something. You get terrified as soon as you get the chance to succeed, and therefore you end up with behaviors that sabotage your success. It's like living with one's own worst enemy.

How about being your own ally?
Being your own ally means looking at yourself and treating yourself with respect and consideration. It also means giving yourself support and motivating yourself just like you had done with a good friend. However, this is almost impossible for some people. But why then?

It is mostly because of that they have an incorrect perception regarding what relationship they should have with themselves. For example, they think that they must be tough on themselves and not being this is a sign of weakness. They think they develop by treating themselves badly.

There is also an erroneous notion that one should not be his own ally, as this is a sign of narcissism. Some see it as a virtue, or a sign of humility, pushing oneself down.
How you are your own ally and friend
In the depth of your consciousness there is something that stands out. You feel that you deny others by being your own ally, and that it is the beginning of some form of moral decline.

We want to make it clear that you are not irresponsible just because you treat yourself well. We will all need things when we grow up and mature. Things that help us grow and achieve our goals. However, this does not mean that you have an extreme approach.

Being your own ally simply means that you have a good attitude towards yourself. This means that you accept and respect yourself, and that you understand that everyone can make mistakes.

In fact, the mistakes always teach us something, and we should therefore not criticize ourselves for these mistakes. One may feel bad at making mistakes, but in the end it leads to something good.
If we can not count on ourselves, how can we count on someone else? We need allies to go along the path of life, and the first thing you should do is to become your own ally so that you can appreciate what you are and what you do. You must forgive yourself because you are as human as everyone else. Life will be much better when you love yourself.

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